Monday, 27 September 2010

Sao Francisco do Sul

After an overnight at Ilha dos Porcos we stopped in Ilha Bela. Beautiful place and it’s definitely worth a better look on our way back up from Uruguay. The yacht club is good, friendly and  gives a 4 day courtesy for foreign yachts. Finally we got the rib engine fixed and left on the morning of the 24th to our next stop in Ponta do Vigia for another overnight. Our next run would be a bit longer this time, around 30 hours until Ilha do Bom Abrigo still in the state of Sao Paulo, but as the sea was being so kind to us, once we reached Bom Abrigo we decided to keep going, skip Ilha do Mel in the state of Parana and stop only at Sao Francisco do Sul, already in Santa Catarina, where we are now.

We were once again trying to quit smoking and as we ran out of smokes last night at sea and decided to quit quitting for the time being. Any smoker can imagine how desperate we were by the time we got here.

The yacht club doesn’t sell smokes and the only little market that does is a 20 min walk in a gravel road and obviously it was raining. But that wouldn’t stop us! We did the walk and on our way back on the wet and empty street, I was thinking why couldn’t we meet a good soul that felt sorry for us walking in the rain and offer us a ride at which point a woman in a car asked for directions to the yacht club and gave us a ride back!!!

Right now we are just waiting for the tide to turn and should leave to our next planned stop, Porto Belo, 12 hrs away.


Monday, 20 September 2010

Ilha dos Porcos

Sabado tentamos seguir viagem da Praia de Cajaiba onde estavamos ancorados mas o vento estava diretamente contra o nosso curso, e o mar muito agitado quando tentamos passar pela Ponta da Joatinga. Decidimos voltar e esperar ate o dia seguinte que, segundo a previsao do tempo, as condicoes estariam melhores. E estavam mesmo. O vento virou pra E/NE e apesar das ondas e da chuva, passamos sem problemas e ancoramos na Enseada de Palmas, na Ilha de Anchieta (tambem conhecida como Ilha dos Porcos), ja em Sao Paulo. Bem na praia ainda estao as ruinas da prisao que existiu aqui na ilha ate meados dos anos 50.

O plano e seguir viagem hoje ate a Ilha Bela, passar a noite la e tentar consertar o motor do bote, que ate agora nada.